
Our menu is a vibrant fusion of bold flavors, rich spices, and diverse textures. Every dish is a celebration of tradition and culture.

From the smoky, party-favorite Jollof Rice, to the rich and savory Fried Rice loaded with vegetables and proteins, each variation offers a unique taste experience.

MyFoodiesuk soups are rich, flavorful, and packed with nutritious ingredients.  These soups are often paired with swallows for a truly authentic experience.

Our Stews are bold, spicy, and deeply seasoned. Whether enjoyed with rice, bread, or swallow, My Foodies stews are a delicious part of everyday meals.

Our proteins are rich and flavorful, providing chewy, satisfying bites, and making every meal exciting.

Elevate meals with extra flavors and textures that can be enjoyed alongside main meals or on their own. No Nigerian meal is complete without the perfect side dish!

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